Verbundenheit für die Heilung der Welt
Internationale Grußworte zum Vesakh-Fest 2022
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Message for Vesak,
the Buddhist celebration of Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death on May 16, 2022.
Videoaufnahme: https://www.dalailama.com/videos/vesak-message
UN Secretary-General's Message
"I send my warmest wishes to all celebrating the Day of Vesak.
For millions of Buddhists around the world, May's full moon represents a sacred occation honouring the birth, enlightenment and passing of Lord Buddha.
This year, Vesak arrives at a moment of multiplying crises - from an unequal recovery from COVID-19, to the punishing effects of climate change, to conflicts, divisions and violence.
Each crises reminds us of how far we have fallen away from Lord Buddha's timeless teachings.
This Vesak, let us seize this moment of spiritual renewal, and honour Buddha's wisdom by coming together as one, in solidarity, and shaping a better, more peaceful world for all people."
António Guterres
Mehr dazu: https://www.un.org/en/observances/vesak-day
World Council of Churches - General Secretary's Message
"This letter brings you greetings of peace, joy and goodwill as you celebrate the auspicious occasion of Vesakh this year..."
Weiterlesen: https://www.oikoumene.org/sites/default/files/2022-05/WCC%20Vesak%20greetings%202022.pdf
Vatican sends message for Buddhist feast of Vesakh
The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue sends its annual message, entitled "Buddhists and Christians: Standing Together in Hopeful Resilience", as Buddhists worldwide celebrate the holiday commemorating Buddha's birth.
Statement by President Biden on Vesakh
"Jill and I extend warm wishes to Buddhists in the United States and around the world as they celebrate Vesak. This sacred day is a time to reflect on the Buddha's teachings, including the need to work for peace and justice, recognize our common humanity, respect and preserve the nature that surrounds us, and cultivate humility and compassion. The Buddha taught that we are but guests visiting this world, and for over 2,500 years, those who adhere to these teachings have enriched and strengthened this world we share. As we mark Vesak, we honor the American Buddhists who contribute so much to our country and advance our common values."
Bericht dazu lesen: https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/vesak-white-house-2022/
Historischer Besuch einer interreligiösen Delegation in der Ukraine zu Kriegszeiten
Schwere Zeiten können zur Vertiefung von Verbundenheit führen, wenn die Herzen der Beteiligten offen sind. Eine wunderbare gemeinsame Aktion dieser Art fand am 12. April 2022 in der Ukraine statt.
Eine interreligiöse Delegation von Würdenträgern, Mönchen und Nonnen der buddhistischen, christlichen, hinduistischen, jüdischen und muslimischen Traditionen besuchte Binnenflüchtlinge in einer Stadt der Ukraine, um Solidarität zu zeigen, Mitgefühl, Trost und Hoffnung zu schenken.
Das als Freundschafts- Pilgerreise bezeichnete Event gilt als direkter Ausdruck der Vision einer Freundschaft zwischen den Religionen und als Einladung, sich dieser interreligiösen Freundschaft anzuschließen.
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